- function [ROUTES,PL,Tau]=ACASP(G,Tau,K,M,S,E,Alpha,Beta,Rho,Q)
- %% —————————————————————
- % ACASP.m
- % ACS for Path Planning
- %% —————————————————————
- % input parameters
- % G gragh, which is 01 matrix, 1 represents obstcles
- % Tau initial pheromone matrix
- % K iterative times
- % M ant number for once iteration
- % S Start Point
- % E Goal point
- % Alpha parameter indicates the importance of pheromone
- % Beta parameter indicates the importance of visibility
- % Rho pheromone evaporation rate
- % Q pheromone accumulation parameter
- %
- % output parameters
- % ROUTES the route that every ant in every iteration
- % passes
- % PL the length that every ant in every iteration
- % passes
- % Tau output updated pheromone
- %% ——————– variableinitialization—————————–
- D=G2D(G);
- N=size(D,1);%N is the peoblem scale(pixel number)
- MM=size(G,1);
- a=1;% edge length of pixel
- Ex=a*(mod(E,MM)-0.5);% goal point coordinate
- if Ex==-0.5
- Ex=MM-0.5;
- end
- Ey=a*(MM+0.5-ceil(E/MM));% Y coordinate of goal point
- Eta=zeros(1,N);
- %construct the initialization matrix
- for i=1:N
- ix=a*(mod(i,MM)-0.5);
- if ix==-0.5
- ix=MM-0.5;
- end
- iy=a*(MM+0.5-ceil(i/MM));
- if i~=E
- Eta(1,i)=1/((ix-Ex)^2+(iy-Ey)^2)^0.5;
- else
- Eta(1,i)=100;
- end
- end
- ROUTES=cell(K,M);% use cell construct to load the passing route of every ant for every iteration
- PL=zeros(K,M);% use matrix to load the passing length of every ant for every iteration
- %% ———–iteration time is k, ant number is M——————–
- for k=1:K
- disp(k);
- for m=1:M
- %%First step: status initialization
- W=S;%set current point as the starting point
- Path=S;%initialize the passing route
- PLkm=0;%initialize the passing length
- TABUkm=ones(1,N);%initialize the forbbiden table
- TABUkm(S)=0;% eliminate this point for it is the starting point
- DD=D;%initialize adjacency matrix
- %%Second Step:Choose the nodes that can step forward
- DW=DD(W,:);
- DW1=find(DW<inf);
- for j=1:length(DW1)
- if TABUkm(DW1(j))==0
- DW(j)=inf;
- end
- end
- LJD=find(DW<inf);% set of points can be selected
- Len_LJD=length(LJD);%number of points can be selected
- %%Colony stop condition:there is no food or go into a impass
- while W~=E&&Len_LJD>=1
- %%Third Step:the method to choose the next step
- PP=zeros(1,Len_LJD);
- for i=1:Len_LJD
- PP(i)=(Tau(W,LJD(i))^Alpha)*(Eta(LJD(i))^Beta);
- end
- PP=PP/(sum(PP));%construct probability distributing
- Pcum=cumsum(PP);
- Select=find(Pcum>=rand);
- to_visit=LJD(Select(1));%the next step node
- %%Fourth Step:status update and record
- Path=[Path,to_visit];%Paths accumulation
- PLkm=PLkm+DD(W,to_visit);%Path length accumulation
- W=to_visit;%move to the next point
- for kk=1:N
- if TABUkm(kk)==0
- DD(W,kk)=inf;
- DD(kk,W)=inf;
- end
- end
- TABUkm(W)=0;%eliminate the travelled point in the forbidden table
- DW=DD(W,:);
- DW1=find(DW<inf);
- for j=1:length(DW1)
- if TABUkm(DW1(j))==0
- DW(j)=inf;
- end
- end
- LJD=find(DW<inf);%set of optional points
- Len_LJD=length(LJD);%number of optional points
- end
- %%Fifth Step:record the pate and length that every ant for every
- %%iteration passes
- ROUTES{k,m}=Path;
- if Path(end)==E
- PL(k,m)=PLkm;
- else
- PL(k,m)=inf;
- end
- end
- %%Sixth Step: update pheromone
- Delta_Tau=zeros(N,N);%initialize updating ammount
- for m=1:M
- if PL(k,m)<inf
- TS=length(ROUT)-1;
- PL_km=PL(k,m);
- for s=1:TS
- x=ROUT(s);
- y=ROUT(s+1);
- Delta_Tau(x,y)=Delta_Tau(x,y)+Q/PL_km;
- Delta_Tau(y,x)=Delta_Tau(y,x)+Q/PL_km;
- end
- end
- end
- Tau=(1-Rho).*Tau+Delta_Tau;%pheromone evaporates some and accumulates some
- end
- %% —————————PLOT——————————–
- plotif=1;%control parameter, determine if plot or not
- if plotif==1
- %plot convergence curve
- meanPL=zeros(1,K);
- minPL=zeros(1,K);
- for i=1:K
- PLK=PL(i,:);
- Nonzero=find(PLK<inf);
- PLKPLK=PLK(Nonzero);
- meanPL(i)=mean(PLKPLK);
- minPL(i)=min(PLKPLK);
- end
- figure(1)
- plot(minPL);
- hold on
- plot(meanPL);
- grid on
- title(‘Convergence Curve(Average Length and Minimum Length)’);
- xlabel(‘Iteration Times’);
- ylabel(‘Path Length’);
- %Plot Passing Graph
- figure(2)
- axis([0,MM,0,MM])
- for i=1:MM
- for j=1:MM
- if G(i,j)==1
- x1=j-1;y1=MM-i;
- x2=j;y2=MM-i;
- x3=j;y3=MM-i+1;
- x4=j-1;y4=MM-i+1;
- fill([x1,x2,x3,x4],[y1,y2,y3,y4],[0.2,0.2,0.2]);
- hold on
- else
- x1=j-1;y1=MM-i;
- x2=j;y2=MM-i;
- x3=j;y3=MM-i+1;
- x4=j-1;y4=MM-i+1;
- fill([x1,x2,x3,x4],[y1,y2,y3,y4],[1,1,1]);
- hold on
- end
- end
- end
- hold on
- LENROUT=length(ROUT);
- Rx=ROUT;
- Ry=ROUT;
- for ii=1:LENROUT
- Rx(ii)=a*(mod(ROUT(ii),MM)-0.5);
- if Rx(ii)==-0.5
- Rx(ii)=MM-0.5;
- end
- Ry(ii)=a*(MM+0.5-ceil(ROUT(ii)/MM));
- end
- plot(Rx,Ry)
- end
- title(‘Shortest Path’);
- axis([0,MM,0,MM]);
- plotif2=1;%Plot route for every iteration
- if plotif2==1
- figure(3)
- axis([0,MM,0,MM])
- for i=1:MM
- for j=1:MM
- if G(i,j)==1
- x1=j-1;y1=MM-i;
- x2=j;y2=MM-i;
- x3=j;y3=MM-i+1;
- x4=j-1;y4=MM-i+1;
- fill([x1,x2,x3,x4],[y1,y2,y3,y4],[0.2,0.2,0.2]);
- hold on
- else
- x1=j-1;y1=MM-i;
- x2=j;y2=MM-i;
- x3=j;y3=MM-i+1;
- x4=j-1;y4=MM-i+1;
- fill([x1,x2,x3,x4],[y1,y2,y3,y4],[1,1,1]);
- hold on
- end
- end
- end
- for k=1:K
- PLK=PL(k,:);
- minPLK=min(PLK);
- pos=find(PLK==minPLK);
- m=pos(1);
- LENROUT=length(ROUT);
- Rx=ROUT;
- Ry=ROUT;
- for ii=1:LENROUT
- Rx(ii)=a*(mod(ROUT(ii),MM)-0.5);
- if Rx(ii)==-0.5
- Rx(ii)=MM-0.5;
- end
- Ry(ii)=a*(MM+0.5-ceil(ROUT(ii)/MM));
- end
- plot(Rx,Ry)
- hold on
- end
- end
- axis([0,MM,0,MM])
- title(‘Routes that All the Ants Passed’);
- disp(‘Shortest Length is‘)
- disp(minPLK);
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